Is a curved penis normal ? How much curve is too much?
Is a curved penis normal? How much curve is too much? Watch the video below Welcome! Namaste and welcome to doctor Shah clinic. My name
Most complex sex-related issues like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, small penis size and low sex interest issues are easily treatable. Truth is the medical industry has made treating these disorders needlessly complex and expensive.
As a practicing consultant sexologist in chennai & also a full time practicing std specialist in chennai. my aim is to make treating these conditions inexpensive and simple. Our clinic employs certified sexologists in chennai who is highly trained in treating complex male and female sexual health issues. Make a visit to our chennai sexologist today.
Our sexology doctor in chennai will not just treat your problem, but will also treat your heart and help you FIX your relationship.
On average, sexual dysfunction affects over 45% of all Men and around 37% of all Women world-over!.
Common sexology issues that affect patients include conditions like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sex interest, & stds like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, hepatitis & HIV.
Moreover, female sexual problems are also drastically rising, and these include conditions like vaginismus and conditions like hypo-active sexual desire disorder.
Meeting the right sexologist or sexologist in chennai can tremendously help couples overcome these complicated sex related issues/problems.
Is a curved penis normal? How much curve is too much? Watch the video below Welcome! Namaste and welcome to doctor Shah clinic. My name
Namaste and Welcome to Dr. Shahs Clinic, My name is doctor Shah and I am a Consultant Andrologist in Chennai. Check the video on sperm leakage
In today’s post, I am going to answer a few common questions that I see in my practice on daily basis. As a practicing Chennai sexologist
Did you know that erectile dysfunction is among the top causes of sexual health problems?. Erectile dysfunction affects 1 in 6 men. Visit our sexology doctor in chennai to sort this out permanently
PME is the next most common issue in men. PME can lead to utter dissatisfaction in one's marriage or relationship. Sometimes an erection problem may coexist with PME. Visit our certified sexologist in chennai for proper cure
Most men worry that their penis has become small or has shrunken. This is called small penis syndrome. Most men with small penis size worry dreadfully about satisfying their partner. Get the right treatment from our chennai sexologist for small penis size issues
Sexless marriage can result from a variety of causes ranging from erectile dysfunction to low desire issues and conditions like vaginismus. Sexless marriages do not last. Visit our leading sexologist in chennai to sort this out once and for all.
A large number of women also suffer from sexual health issues. The most common being pain during sex and lack of desire. We sort out these problems routinely. Our clinic offers dedicated female sexology services in services for women.
Our sexology doctor in chennai specializes in assessing and treating sexually transmitted disease like HIV, Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and a host of other infections. Schedule a consultation today
Dr. Shah’s Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual health offers both In clinic and online sexology consultation and treatments for the patient’s suffering from Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sex interest & sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s). Our sexologist in chennai will help you overcome these issues safely & privately. Visit our sexology clinic in chennai today.
Private Consultations
Your privacy is our number 1 priority. We will never store your personal information. Appointments with our sexologists are spaced for your comfort and security.
Non judgemental
Our sexology doctor in chennai will never judge you no matter how severe or deep your problem may be. We are here to help
Minimal Testing
No unwanted blood tests and medications. Get the latest and most scientific treatments with our chennai sexologists
Ethical Sexology Treatments
Your privacy and comfort is our top priority. All our medications & treatment protocols are evidence based. We only use treatment strategies that are backed by strong scientific studues
13768 Patients + 95% Success rates
Our sexologist in chennai has close to a decade of clinical experience and has treated over 13768 patients successfuly.
Female Sexology Clinic
We treat women as well with our dedicated female sexology clinic in chennai. Women are given confidential consultations and treatments for range of female sexual health conditions
You should see a sexologist if you have difficulties in sustaining an erection, difficulties in controlling ejaculation or if you find your overall sex interest to be low
Sexologists or sexology doctors commonly treat conditions like
Sexologists identify sexual health problems by performing an intensive ‘psychosexual history taking session’. Close to over 150 questions are asked to patients to find out possible causes that are leading to the issue. Blood tests for male sex hormones and physical examination is also done.
A good sexologist will never judge you based on your problems. He will actively listen and provide a solution to your issues. This happens during the counselling session, where your consultant will clarify and educate you on your sexual health, behavior, orientation and then treat your systematically through your problems. After taking a medical history, investigations are usually ordered which will allow your doctor to establish a diagnosis
A typical consultation with a sexologist in chennai will cost you anywhere from Rs 500 to Rs 750. Blood tests range from Rs 3000 to 7000. While the cost of medications can range from Rs 500 to Rs 5000 depending on the duration of treatment and medication type.
Here is bit more info!
This is Dr. Shah Dupesh, I am a practicing andrologist in chennai. I also specialize in clinical sexology and I am full time clinical sexologist in chennai.
Before I begin explaining to you about what happens when you visit a sexologist, let me brief you about the nature of sexology problems.
Keep reading!
The TRUTH is
Sexual health disorders are on the rise, and the medical authorities are seemingly not paying heed to the tremendous epidemic of sex related problems in men and women.
On an average, sexual dysfunction affects over 45% of all men and around 37% of all women world-over.
the story does not end there!. The frequency of sexual health issues affecting men and women drastically increases with increasing
Numerous published studies done world over have clearly stated that, in today’s world men on average will face sexual dysfunction at least once in their lifetime.
The SAD TRUTH is though..
Women are also not spared!, female sexual problems are also rising. just as badly as male sexual problems.
Female sexual health issues and quite frequently male sexual health issues result in Infertility.
Having a sexology problem is one thing, but when infertility does occur as a consequence of a sexual problem, frequently things get messy for the couple.
This is exactly when visiting a Sexologist in chennai can help you in a long way towards sorting out such problems.
Now, I will try to answer a few common questions, about visiting a sexual health clinic
So firstly,
What is Sexology?
Sexology is the scientific study of human sexual life and sexual relationships in many aspects.
Many different fields are encompassed with sexology like psychology, biology, medicine, epidemiology and anthropology.
The study of sexual life requires understanding of many fields related to human beings, as sex is a complicated topic that affects many aspects of human life and nearly all aspects of intimate relationships.
Just as neurologists study neurology, chemists study chemistry; Sexologists study human sexual behaviors, interests, feelings, functions, and interactions.
Many different fields are encompassed with sexology like psychology, human behavioral science, culture and religion
The study of sexual life requires understanding of many fields related to human beings, as sex is a complicated topic that affects many aspects of human life and nearly all aspects of intimate relationships.
To put things in 1 sentence
“Sexology is the Science of Sex”
The History of Clinical Sexology
The scientific study of human sexual life is ancient and humans have always been interested in exploring more about sexuality.
Sexology used to be included within other fields like psychology and medicine.
In 1886, sexology first came out for existence as a separate science thanks to Richard Von Krafft-Ebing, a German psychiatrist who publish a book “Psychopathia Sexualis” which was a great piece of work describing all forms of abnormal sexual behaviors he ran across through his entire career.
Many works of sexology were published later establishing sexology as a separate and unique science.
Now there are many scientific journals solely-dedicated to sexual research
How can a Sexologist help you?
Finding a properly trained and good Sexologist doctor in Chennai, a rather conservative city is pretty tough!.
A sexologist is a specially-trained sex therapist who is most qualified to help clients deal with their sexual problems.
A sexologist can be a psychologist, psychiatrist or an anthropologist specialized in studying human sexual behaviors and disorders.
Moreover, a sexologist may practice as a researcher, sexual educator, sex counselor or a clinician.
Sexologists often also specialize in managing a range of sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV treatment, Hepatitis B, Genital herpes and Hepatitis C. A sexologist also counsels patients on safe sex practices and healthy preventive strategies like using PEP for HIV prevention
Sexologists work with their patients on large range of problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, small penis syndrome, decreased sex interest and also some problems like pain during intercourse.
Furthermore, sexologists try to solve these problems by increasing their clients
1. Awareness of the particular sexual health issue
2. Identifying the underlying causes, fixing any organic disorders that might exist.
3. Making partners more comfortable and willing to talk to each other about sex, and equipping both parts of the relationship with the necessary skills needed to solve their problem
How a therapy session with a Sexologist works?
As any therapy session, your sexologist will initiate the session by greeting you and obtaining your name (or names if you come as a couple), he will then introduce himself, his role and nature of the session. First step towards a successful solution for any problem is recognizing the presence of it.
Your therapist will dig deeper so he can determine :-
What the problem is exactly?
Why you have such a problem (the causes)?
How serious is your problem (to what extent it affects your sex life)?
Whether it is due to a past experience, a wrong belief, an organic disorder, lack of necessary sexual education and skills or a psychological problem?
Whether it can be solved by a session alone or it requires help from another healthcare professional?
A corner stone for any successful therapy is talking.
The sexologist will encourage you to talk to him about your feelings, ideas and thoughts.
By talking to your therapist, he does not only gather more helpful information about what might be the problem, but you also learn to be more comfortable to talk to your partner about that problem, talking to your therapist will help you open up and share your hidden feelings and expectations with your partner.
You might think it will be much harder to open up to someone you never knew before (your therapist) than someone you share every part of your life with (your lover), but this is not actually the case.
Humans tend to hide secrets from the ones they love the most, plus it is nothing to be compared to conversing with a stranger, psychosexual therapy offers you the opportunity to have
—> a productive conversation with a well-trained therapist whose feelings you aren’t afraid to hurt.
—>who encourages you to express yourself, doesn’t interrupt you, listens attentively to what you’re saying, facilitates your response by asking the right questions
—>Knows how to deal sensitively with embarrassing topics and has great skills to define what goes on wrong between you and your partner and how to solve it.
Even just voicing your thoughts and feelings that you never actually got a chance to express can be very healing.
One of the main approaches in clinical sexology is called “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)” which is defined as a goal-oriented short-term psychotherapy that aims at changing patterns of problematic thinking or behavior responsible for creating difficulties for the patient.
It’s based upon the proved great impact a belief can have on someone’s behavior and function.
An example is a sex problem arising from a false belief that considers extreme hardcore sex as sign of masculinity and manhood,
CBT will be very effective in management of such case.
Between the sessions, your sexologist may prescribe some exercises or assignments to do.
For example, he may suggest you to go out on a romantic date and come home early with intention of simply touching and exploring each other.
If your sexologist thinks your case requires medical intervention like drug prescription or medical investigation, he will prescribe you the necessary medications to solve your problem in the safest way possible
Here are some interesting statistics on sex & sex related problems
1. Premature ejaculation is the most common cause of sexual dysfunction in men. This is followed by erectile dysfunction.
2. About 10-15% of young and middle age male groups experience premature ejaculation at some point every year.
3. An average women needs 10 to 20 minutes of stimulation> to reach orgasm.
4. Only in 29% of sexual intercourse, women actually reach orgasm.
5. In about 80% of all cases, women are faking their orgasms
6. 1 of 40 women have been beaten by her partner during intercourse
7. One in five women have been forced to enter a sexual intercourse session
8. One if six women have been stalked from a sexual view point
9. About 5% of middle-age group and 20% of old-age group men experience erectile dysfunction.
10. Women are more cautious than men in entering a new relationship, also they’re more likely to end the divorce by 64% chance.
11. About 4% of of the couples population suffer from sexless marriages
12. Women think about sex as frequently as men do
13. A large proportion of men suffer from worries about their penis size a condition called small penis syndrome
14. Sexually transmitted diseases are very common. In an STD clinic, commonly detected STI include Genital herpes, also notorious infections like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis & lastly Hepatitis B.
15. A large proportion of patients also visit sexologists out of fear of contracting STD’s like HIV. Thus, they seek out preventive therapy with pep treatment
What are main causes of sex problems?
Here are the most common reasons why people visit sexologists :-
Loss of interest in intercourse “Low Libido”: Low libido is abnormal decreased or loss of sexual desire. Everyday life issues can find their way between you and your partner, sometimes one of you feel stressed, sometimes you’re not in the mood and sometimes you’re just not into it anymore. A sex therapist can explain to you how this is happening and help you get through it.
Premature ejaculation: Premature ejaculation is uncontrolled rapid-onset ejaculation just before or shortly after penetration.
Anorgasmia: Anorgasmia is difficulty or inability of reaching orgasm or climax after normal sexual stimulation.
Pain during intercourse Also most cases of pain during intercourse indicates an organic disease, it’s advisable to seek sex therapy as an adjuvant treatment for the pain.
Erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunction is the failure of a man to get and maintain an erection that’s strong enough for sexual intercourse. About 40% of all men of the middle age group, and 70% of the old age group are affected with ED.
Pornography and sex addiction : About 6% of US population are addicted to sex, and about 40 million Americans are regular visitors to porn sites. Our country is no better exception though
Having an affair: Cheating is one of the most common reasons why a patient seeks sex therapy.
If you have a sexual health problem with you loved one get in touch with us below.
Dr. Shah’s Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual Health
No 21, Sree Kalki Apartments, Ground Floor, Bazullah Road, T. Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600017
Ph: +91-9790783856
Email: – drsdk123@gmail.com
Timing:- 9:00 am to 6: 00 pm
Working Days – Monday to Saturday
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